Est. 1936
Wooburn Narkovians Cricket Club

Constitution and Rules



  1. Club Description
  2. Aims and Principles
  3. Officers
  4. Management
  5. Membership
  6. Subscriptions
  7. Annual General Meeting
  8. Extraordinary General Meetings
  9. Members' Conduct
  10. Finances
  11. Dissolution
  12. Bar rules
  13. Policy Statements
  14. Annexe 1 - Club Safeguarding Policy Statement
  15. Annexe 2 - Equity Policy

Amendment History

The constitution replaces the original constitution of the Club (which had last been updated in 1992) and was approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Club held on March 4th 2010.

club description

The Club shall be called Wooburn Narkovians Cricket Club (hereafter referred to as “the Club”) and the Club colours shall be dark green and yellow. The Club headquarters are Wooburn Park Pavilion, Wooburn Green, Buckinghamshire.

The Club shall be affiliated to the England and Wales Cricket Board through the Buckinghamshire Cricket Board.

aims and principles

The Club is open to all those who wish to play and enjoy cricket, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs, subject to the payment of the appropriate subscription, and adherence to rules governing Members’ Conduct (see clause 9).

The Club is committed to ensuring that all members, playing and non-playing, abide by the ECB Code of Conduct which incorporates the Spirit of Cricket and by the Laws of Cricket.

A duty of care is maintained to all members of the club through the adoption and implemention of appropriate policies including a Club Safeguarding Policy Statement which follows the ECB ‘Safe Hands’ Policy; the ECB Cricket Equity Policy; future versions of these policies; and the additional policies and codes of conduct listed in clause 13 of this constitution.

We aim to play hard, but to observe a spirit of fair play at all times, and to sustain a reputation as a friendly and sociable family club.

We seek to develop the majority of our senior players via our junior section, and encourage our junior members to make the transition to senior cricket as soon as they are ready.

The Club will have different classes of membership on a non-discriminatory and fair basis, and will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people joining.


The Officers shall be President, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Colts Manager, Club Welfare Officer, Captains of the senior Saturday and Sunday XI’s, and other such officers who may from time to time be required.

Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (see clause 7).

If two or more candidates are proposed for a single position, the choice will be made via a secret ballot of members attending the meeting. The Chairman shall have a casting vote if necessary


The Management Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Club and additional members who may be elected annually by the Annual General Meeting.

The Committee will meet monthly from January until the end of the playing season, and additionally by notice from the Club Secretary as required.

Teams for all matches shall be selected by the respective captains, following three principles:-

  • The Saturday 1st XI should be the strongest available.
  • Other Saturday and Sunday XI’s should seek to develop our junior players where possible.
  • Those players who have paid their annual subscription (see clause 6), who are regularly available, and who register their availability via the web-site, or by notifying one of the captains, will be selected in preference to others

Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed by the Management Committee when required. These will at all times be responsible to the Management Committee.


Membership of the Club will be within the following groupings:

  • Life Members
  • Vice Presidents
  • Full Playing Members
  • Senior playing members (over 18 years of age) in full time education
  • Senior Colts (16-18 years of age)
  • Junior Colts (under 16 years of age)
  • Social Members
  • Honorary Members

All those in groupings 1 to 5 inclusive shall be classified full members and entitled to vote at all General Meetings of the Club. Ages for Colts are determined at 1st September in the previous calendar year.

Life Members and Vice Presidents may be appointed at the Annual General Meeting in recognition of long and valuable service to the club, through nomination from the Management Committee. These are lifetime appointments.

With the exception of Life Members and Vice Presidents, membership is maintained through the payment of an annual subscription (see clause 6).

Partners of Full Playing Members, and Parents/Carers/Guardians of Junior members are automatically given honorary (non-voting) membership.

Members of visiting clubs shall be entitled as guests of the Club to the privileges of Membership for the day of their visit only


Members’ subscriptions are laid down by the Annual General Meeting, and are subject to review each year.

All subscriptions fall due on the first of January annually and any subscriptions remaining unpaid by the first of June of the same year may, at the discretion of the Management Committee, preclude such a member from all rights and privileges of the Club.

The Management Committee will determine annually the match fees to be paid by each member in addition to the above subscription.

annual general meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the close season, to receive accounts and reports from the Executive Management Committee for the year ended 30th September, and to elect Officers for the ensuing year.

The quorum at all General Meetings will be 15 people.

Only members of the Club as designated in clause 5 may vote, and the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

Any proposed alterations to the constitution or club rules shall be voted on at the AGM, having previously been communicated to members a minimum of 21 days before that meeting.

extraordinary general meetings

An extraordinary General Meeting may be called for any specific reason by the Chairman, Management Committee or by a minimum of ten members of the Club, who shall give notice in writing to the Secretary.

members' conduct

Members are expected to respect Umpires, Opponents and fellow Narkovians. Senior Members carry the additional expectation of setting an appropriate example to Colts Members, in terms of behaviour, language, and sportsmanship.

The Club is dependent on voluntary efforts to maintain the ground and pavilion, and all members are expected to make a personal contribution, including supporting the Club’s social activities.

The Management Committee have the power to discipline any Senior or Junior Playing Member for misconduct of any nature on or off the field of play through a warning, or by excluding him from selection for whatever period of time it feels fit. The player concerned should be informed as soon as possible of the Committee’s decision and the reasons for it.

The Management Committee have the power to expel from the Club any Member who may be guilty of gross or repeated misconduct. The member concerned will have the right of appeal.

Subscriptions will not be refunded if a member is expelled.


The Club’s finances will be managed by the Treasurer, under the guidance of the Management Committee.

Expenditure from the Club’s bank accounts will be controlled through the need for at least two signatories (who shall be Officers of the Club) on all payments.

The Treasurer shall draw up annual accounts for review and approval at the Annual General Meeting.


The Club may at any time be dissolved by the consent of three-quarters of the players attending and entitled to vote at a General meeting of the Club called for that purpose. Members entitled to attend shall be given at least 21 days notice in writing of the General Meeting stating its purpose. The requirements for a quorum specified in clause 7 b) shall apply.

In the event of the Club being dissolved in accordance with clause 11 a) then any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be distributed equally amongst the members of the club in groupings 1 to 5 inclusive of clause 5 a).

bar rules

The bar shall be managed at all times in a manner consistent with the terms of the bar licence issued by the licensing authorities.

On match days, service behind the bar, including clearing up and locking the pavilion, will be the responsibility of the relevant team captain, who may delegate this responsibility to an appropriate responsible adult.

Bar prices are set and approved annually by the Management Committee, with the aims of providing better value for money than local Public Houses, whilst generating profits for the Club.

All bar profits will be used by the Club for the maintenance and improvement of playing and non-playing facilities, subject to maintaining such minimum reserves as the Management Committee deems appropriate.

policy statements

The Club has adopted the Club Safeguarding Policy Statement and the Equity Policy contained in the annexe to this document. These policies will be displayed on the club’s web-site, and in the Clubhouse.

These two policies will be updated to stay in line with ECB best practice and re-confirmed annually at the Club’s Annual General Meeting.

Other Policies and Codes of Conduct which have been adopted at an AGM of the Club include:-

  • Transport Policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Changing Rooms and Showering Facilities Policy
  • Codes of Conduct for Club Members and Guests, Junior Members, Club Officials and Volunteers, and Parents and Carers.
  • Photography and Video Camera Policy

The Policies and Codes of Conduct outlined in clause c) above will be maintained and communicated to the members by the Committee, who will take responsibility for ensuring all Policies adopted by the Club are adhered to.

Annexe 1 - club safeguarding policy statement

Wooburn Narkovians Cricket Club is committed to ensuring that all Children participating in cricket have a safe and positive experience (the word ‘Children’ should be taken to mean all persons under the age of 18).

The Club will do this by:

  • Recognising that all Children participating in cricket (regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability) have a right to have fun and be protected from harm in a safe environment.
  • Ensuring that individuals working within cricket at or for the Club provide a safe, positive and fun cricketing experience for children.
  • Adopting and implementing the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children” and any future versions of the policy.
  • Appointing a Club Welfare Officer and ensuring that they attend all current and future training modules required by the ECB & the NSPCC, so that they have the necessary skills to be able to undertake their role effectively.
  • Ensuring that all people who work in cricket at or for our club (such as Staff, Officials, Volunteers, Team Managers, Coaches etc), understand that the Safe Hands Policy applies to them according to their level of contact with children in Cricket.
  • Ensuring that all individuals working within cricket at or for the club are recruited and appointed in accordance with ECB guidelines.
  • Ensuring that all individuals working within cricket at or for the club are provided with support through education and training so that they are aware of and can adhere to good practice and code of conduct guidelines defined by both the ECB, and by the club.
  • Ensuring that the name & contact details for the Club Welfare Officer is available
  • as the first point of contact for parents, children and volunteers / staff within the club
  • as a local source of procedural advice for the club, its committee & its members
  • as the main point of contact within the club for the ECB County Welfare Officer and the ECB Child Protection Team, and
  • as the main point of contact within the club for relevant external agencies in connection with child welfare
  • Ensuring that correct and comprehensive reporting procedures exist for raising and managing safeguarding and child protection concerns. Such procedures recognising the responsibility of the statutory agencies and in accordance with the pre-defined safeguarding and child protection procedures as defined by the ECB, Statutory agencies and Local Safeguarding Children Board LSCB guidelines and procedures.
  • Providing everyone connected with the club (including parents, children and volunteers) with the opportunity to voice any concerns which they have (about possible suspected child abuse, and/or about poor practice) to the Club Welfare Officer.
  • Ensuring that all suspicions, concerns and allegations are taken seriously and dealt with swiftly and appropriately.
  • Ensuring that access to confidential information relating to child welfare matters is restricted to the Club Welfare Officer and the appropriate external authorities as specified within ECB Safeguarding and child protection procedures.

annexe 2 - equity policy

Wooburn Narkovians Cricket Club has an open constitution, membership is open to all those who abide by the rules of the Club and pay a membership fee.

The Club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development. In doing so it acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity:

  • Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.
  • The Club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.
  • The Club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.
  • All Club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity.
  • The Club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to Club disciplinary procedures.

Wooburn Narkovians Cricket Club Constitution

Draft 2 – January 5th 2010